2016 -- 8.2 (Spring) Poetry

The Cautionary (Fairy) Tale


By: Sydney Haines


She smiles,
Plays peek-a-boo with bone crushing metal
Or, it’s the invisible Hansel:
“Tag, you’re it!”
Says Gretel
And he lures her to crawled space
A cylinder
Then, they find her
Ice and snow; unearthed
She’s submerged,
Among mountains,
frozen bloodstream,
Stilled lungs
Where this occurs
All reasoning,
Vocalized; in tongues
“Gretel went with them-
The lost winter souls.”
But these are just thoughts,
The collective
Scary stories now,
To tell around the fire
Burning bright in autumn nights



 I’m a 24 year old female student at SCF. I am studying for a degree in English and Library Sciences; I plan on studying many more topics and may work on getting other degrees. I currently work as a Student Assistant at the SCF library, and in my free time I enjoy writing, drawing, jewelry making and crochet, playing guitar, and reading.