2013 -- 5.2 (Spring) Poetry

~I Return the Favor~

by: Sesshy Sensation

Lilly, the girl everyone finds so silly

She knows what she does, and does it willingly

She offers her services and coax him arduously

Knowing that he in fact belongs to me

She comes off as thoughtless, but she is sly

She makes it her duty to befriend you-you ask why

She knows how you feel for him; information she’s learned

In her mind none of that matters, for a moment he’s yours. Now it is her turn.

Yes Lilly, I know your work from experience, I watch you in depth

Your guard is down, head held high, confidence in every step

You’ve done this for years, you consider yourself a professional

With years I find my eyes cunning, what I have in store is indeed exceptional

You’ve come to settle down, the life you’ve lead not condoned for a wife

I’ve come to befriend, share memories, and learn about your life

You introduce with glee, you’ve been with so many, must have forgotten what you had done

I will never forget, in my mind your neck I have wrung

I see him, offer my services, and coax him arduously

He belongs to you, it’s my turn.

I return the favor Lilly