2011 -- 3.2 (Spring) Poetry

Coffee, Tea, or ?

by Charlene Pratt
            I missed my taste of you this morning.

When I taste you, warmness fills my mouth,

                             Glides easily down my throat, careful not to

take too much, overflow may stain clothes.

              To have you every morning, would I tire of your


                               Lips touching the rim, an afternoon delight,

coming of early evening, wisp of an after dinner drink.

Late night taste, oh how could I tire?

            I missed my taste of you this morning,

                   I woke a little too late.

Charlene M. Pratt a.k.a. Summer Harp is a self-published author of two poetry books, Notes on Thoughts, Stir-fry Poetry and chick-lit Conversations with Women…thoughts you didn’t want anyone to know you had. She also loves to cook and read cookbooks as well as experiment with different recipes. She is working on writing erotica a romantica series.