By William Graydon
Adam was all the buzz
Being new and all, drunk silly
Cast as Eden’s first FOX
Devouring leafy greens, avoiding fruit god would not allow
Evolving, discovering, mastering improv
Feeling things that felt too good, but painted a snafu
Growing, with no place to unload, spat
Hollow with suffering, from unknown loneliness
Incarcerated as a single voice, his jaw ajar
Jesting upward, and then, as if on cue
Kneeling, extracting a rib, POP
Laying it in the caldron God’s olio
Managing to drift asleep, while still being ashen
Nudged, suddenly, by Eve’s bosom
Opened mouthed, like a feral Jackal
Pushing inward, with a solid red brick
Quickly, and violently, like a rogue Blue-Jay
Robbing the Robins from ever seeing sky
Swimming in a double standard myth
Tossing women, forever, in the brig
Unwarranted, being clad, now breaking off
Veering toward the greatest lie
Warping human mind
Xeroxing a deceiving sea
You, Eve, were falsely slain on the slab
Zealots continue to hammer, while you brilliantly sway
Bill Graydon: Age 36, New England Native, have lived in Florida for the past six years. Served eight years in the Military, and finally cashing in on the GI Bill. Planning on Graduating in Dec 2010! I care deeply about social issue that impact the harmonization of our society, thus I also attempt to insert some bit of a social commentary in any piece of fiction I write.