2010 -- 2.2 (Spring) Poetry

I Would Like to Say a Few Things About Myself

By PJ German

I Would Like to Say a Few Things about Myself

My name is P.J. German

and I am divorced.

Long story short: my ex-wife had an affair

And left me for the guy.

That’s what happens when you have a small penis

I am a – to the bone – Re Pub Li Can

and Tea Party Member!

I like Neil Cavuto, Shepard Smith, Glenn Beck,

and best of all

Bill O’ – freaken – Reilly!

And yes, I do like Bush.

Quiet down you perverts.

I am the best guy you could possibly date.

I open doors, pay for dinner,

and brag to my friends about how wonderful you are.

I can cook. The best meals I make are:

frozen White Castle burgers,

Pizza rolls, and Ramen Noodles.

I am amazing when it comes to sex.

I once got a girl off nine times in three hours.

No, wait a minute…

That’s when I overheard my dad getting my mom off.

In all seriousness, I am not good at sex;

I have a small penis.

I remember one girlfriend looked at it and said,

‘Aww… isn’t that cute!’

Then she sat staring at it.

Finally she started to play with it

and that’s when I said,

‘You are a naughty boy.’

Girl! Naughty girl!

I am a strong and devoted Christian.

Now, I am not perfect;

if I was, I have about seven years left before the

Jews decide to kill me.

And yes, I like racist jokes.

(What’s white, 12 inches long, and hard?


It only comes in black.)

I used to smoke pot, which explains quite a bit.

Now I smoke cigarettes and drink occasionally.

If there are any ladies out there

who are interested in me, go ahead and raise your hand.

Just as I thought – no one.

I guess that’s what happens when you have a small penis.

PJ German – former editor in chief for two semesters and current student advisor of Elektraphrog, president of Swamp Scribes, student blogger for the SCF website, and teacher aid in the English lab – does much more writing than he has time for. He is graduating in 2010 with his A.A., and will attend USF in the fall to continue his education in English.