“Eggplant Fire” by Nick Eason
“Other Side of the Fence” by Nick Eason
“Dark Side of the Barn” by Nick Eason
“Wheat Sea” by Nick Eason
“Peek by Nick Eason
“Broken Door” by Nick Eason
“Interior II” by Nick Eason
“My Prince” by Jaclynn Gormley
“Reach Above” by Jaclynn Gormley
“Driving Solo” by Jennifer Johnson
“Scenic Oregon 1” by Tammy Mitchell
“Scenic Oregon 2” by Tammy Mitchell
“Scenic Oregon 3” by Tammy Mitchell
“Scenic Oregon 4” by Tammy Mitchell
“Stippling” by Marie Neston
“Cubism” by Marie Neston
“Metamorphosis” by Marie Neston
“You and Me” by Manolo Gee and Lee