2014 -- 7.1 (Fall) Poetry


By: Danielle Dean


Suspended up in the sky
millions of miles
and worlds away
hangs a string of stars
connected only by
a few threads of
twinkling stardust.

Dwindling high above
your head and my own,
I spot the Orion.
There’s the Milky Way
lodged up there, too,
or so I’ve read.
The books all say the same thing–
Latin for “a set of stars”
Together making lines like jagged scars.

Scientists throw around
all of these words about
this celestial circle of cosmic proportions,
but it’s hard to know much
when you live on the ground;
compared to stars, we’re down, down, down.

Eighty-eight of them sleep in the sky
casting an astronomical blanket over Earth
and dating as far back as the
Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian times.
From Andromeda to Cancer to Draco,
the sky becomes nothing more
than a lunar mansion for the
clusters of stars we identify;
by name, by location, by shape.

In the end, we personify that
which is miles and worlds away
in the hopes that maybe one day
humanity will be as brilliant and bold
as the shapes we see in the sky.


Bio: My name’s Danielle Dean–I’m an English major with a passion for creative writing of all genres and platforms; I’ve always viewed writing as one of the greatest ways for people to express themselves, and I hope to continue on with it for the rest of my life.