By: Ryan Fowler
One can Cream of Independent Thinking
Pour over at least twelve years of ground up education
In a twelve inch skillet.
*Note: Must have community powered stove.
Place skillet over high heat of revolution.
Stir occasionally.
Meanwhile, chop up some Fox news, Sean Hannity, and a greedy corporation,
then throw that out because they are all bitter.
Mix 4 tablespoons of Jean-Paul Sartre, with a just a teaspoon of Nietzsche in a small bowl.
Bring half a pound of “I Have a Dream” to a boil, drain, return to pot.
Add mixture from small bowl.
Add as much of the elusive Integrity of Politicians as you can find to the skillet and pour over
“I Have a Dream.”
If you cannot find any Integrity of Politicians,
Just turn up the heat of community powered revolution
Until it all looks the same.
Bio: Ryan Fowler is a second year student at the Venice campus of SCF. He enjoys the arts and would like to write and direct films in the future. He has a particular taste in music and aesthetics that seems a bit different from the norm of society. It is this unique view on beauty that allows him to creatively evoke different kinds of emotions with his works.