by Annette Kinship
My moments of fear
Are fragile like a lake
Carefully I tread
Into the dark of the sight
Remembering the pain
On the other side
Tremulous woes
‘board my ship
They move about
Tipping and longing
To suck me in.
Moments of fear
As a thief
Into the depth
Of the dark.
No candle, no star
No flicker of lightning bug
As I tiptoe
Under my feet,
My heart knowing
I could freeze
If a crackle
Beneath defeat.
I tenderly
As if walking on air
Steel my thoughts
Searching for
The memory of light.
A feather if dropped
With the cold night air
Could shift the thin
Frozen sheet of water,
I must stay my mind
Or the chill air
Will become my fate.
I walk with all grace
I lift my weight to God
I tend to my soul
With the strength
Of Love.
My ship does not tip
My feet do not sink
The thief cannot steal
Darkness loosed.