Want to become a better writer? Cry…or laugh

By: Sherly Bonilla

Often times, we hear and read about the importance of having good structure in writing, or to be objective, or to have good grammar. While it is true that all these aspects are fundamentally important, another important aspect of writing can often times be overlook: vulnerability. A word that often times is deemed as intimidating, vulnerability does not and should not entirely be construed negatively or associated with sadness, or helplessness, etc. In fact, this aspect of writing is so important that it will become one the most powerful tools to ensure that you write your best work. Read below and find out why is it so important to be vulnerable in order to improve your writing. As well as how to be vulnerable without feeling unsafe or exposed!

The importance of vulnerability:
• Ability to convey emotions: your work will be better appreciated when the readers are left feeling happy, sad, or angry or whatever emotion you intended to create through your writing.
• Honesty is a virtue: and that is what being vulnerable in your writing essentially means, to be honest with your intent, emotions, and purpose of your writing, whatever those may be.
• Relatable: being honest in your writing means that your readers will be capable of not only understanding your purpose, but also will be able to relate to your work.
• Connection: when your readers can relate to what they are reading, a connection between the readers and author is being made, and a good writer is able to connect with the readers.

How to write with vulnerability:
• Let experiences inspire your writing: the best way to create imagery and convey emotion in the readers mind is to relate a vivid memory that could happen to anyone.
• Be honest with yourself: if you have certain emotions that are inspiring you to write, allow them to, whether it is feeling nostalgic or proud, do not try to hide or mask them in your writing for the fear of being too attached.
• Be mindful: there will be certain things you will not feel comfortable writing about, and that is completely fine, you can still be vulnerable without having to completely share everything. Creating similar stories or scenarios that will still deliver the same purpose can work just as well. In the end, there is no right or wrong answer in terms of writing, and no one is perfect, so becoming a better writer is a matter of constantly finding new ways to improve.